Contact-free sharpening
completed right outside
your home or business.
We Roam to Your Home!
Using the same methods and specifications as knife manufacturers, we will put a durable and accurate edge on your cutlery at your own home or business. The process is simple, quick and done while you wait.

Simply visit our website and
book a sharpening at a time
that works for you.

Our Roamers will show up to your home at the time you’ve scheduled online, masked-up and ready to receive your blades.

Everything is sharpened outside your home in our specially-equipped vehicles and most appointments can be completed in about an hour.

Select your location and book a time that works for you. We will come right to your home or business, so you don't have to drag your tools around.

Our specialized sharpening tool is used outside the home, so you can be sure that our service is contact-free and safe from spreading disease.

Worth it
Whether you are cooking dinner or trimming hedges, a properly sharpened blade will make completing your job faster, easier and more enjoyable.