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How does it work?

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Book a time

Simply visit our website andbook a sharpening at a time that works for you.

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We come to you

Our Roamers will show up to your home at the time you’ve scheduled online, masked-up and ready to receive your blades.

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It's all outside

Everything is sharpened outside your home in our specially-equipped vehicles and most appointments can be completed in about an hour.

Why do we roam?
Meet our founder, Matt Konkle


Here's an action shot of Matt keeping

his tie sauce-free

The culinary arts have been a passion of mine for years. My career in the industry began when I started as a dishwasher at the age of 14. I would spend half of my shift helping prep for the upcoming lunch or dinner service. I soon worked my way up to working the "line" working my way through all the stations in the kitchen (pantry, saute', grill, etc.). Upon finishing high school I went off to college and found myself working as a cook at various high end restaurants. This was also where I got my exposure to well manicured cutlery. In the previous restaurants that I worked in, the cutlery was provided. Once making the jump to fine dining, I found that each cook brought his own tools. I began sampling the various knives and was astounded at how different each blade felt. Damascus steel vs. Western steel, different weights, different balances.....I was hooked. 


After spending over 10 years working in kitchens, I switched gears in my career and began working in the construction industry. As a construction manager I had the privilage of working with some of the most skilled people that I have ever met. Everyday was exciting, because everyday meant new challenges, and new skills to be learned. One skill that stuck out, metal working. As the days went by I thought, how can I marry my two passions - culinary arts and metalworking? Knives seemed like the most logical next step.


I did a deep dive into the world of knives, and in doing so, I realized some flaws in how we keep our tools maintained.

If I drop off my knives to get sharpened at my local hardware,  my damascus steel blade will be sharpened just the same as my western steel, and I have to make a second trip to get them the next day?  


My other option is to ship my 12 knives to 5 different manufacturers to have them sharpened at the factory.  So that means packaging them, shipping them, and waiting several days (at best) before I get them back.  


There's a better way to do this....thus the Roaming Stone was born.  Sharpening quality that rivals the original manufacturers, with the convenience of ordering a delivery pizza.


- Matt Konkle

The Roaming Stone

©2021 The Roaming Stone LLC

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